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  • Writer's pictureKady Weed

Microchipping: Ensuring Your Pet's Safety

Microchipping: Ensuring Your Pet's Safety As pet owners, our furry friends hold a special place in our hearts. We do everything we can to keep them safe and protected. One important step in ensuring their safety is microchipping. At Kady's Critter Care, we offer microchipping services as part of our comprehensive pet-related services. What is microchipping? Microchipping involves implanting a small microchip under your pet's skin. This microchip contains a unique identification number that is registered with a national pet recovery database. This means that if your pet ever gets lost, their microchip can be scanned, and the identification number can be used to reunite you with your beloved companion. Why is microchipping important? Collars and ID tags are essential, but they can become lost or damaged. Microchipping provides a permanent form of identification that cannot be easily removed or lost. It gives you peace of mind, knowing that even if your pet's collar comes off, they still have a way of being identified and returned to you. The microchipping process At Kady's Critter Care, we understand that your pet's safety and comfort are of utmost importance. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art equipment and follows best practices to ensure that the microchipping process is quick, safe, and virtually painless for your pet. During the procedure, a tiny microchip is inserted under your pet's skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to getting a vaccination and is over in a matter of seconds. Most pets do not even notice the microchip's presence once it is implanted. Registering your pet's microchip After the microchipping procedure, it is crucial to register your pet's microchip with your contact information in a national pet recovery database. This step is essential because without proper registration, the microchip is essentially useless. Make sure to keep your contact information up to date in the database, especially if you move or change phone numbers. The benefits of microchipping Microchipping offers several benefits for both you and your pet. Here are a few reasons why microchipping is a crucial step in ensuring your pet's safety: 1. Increased chances of being reunited: If your pet ever gets lost or wanders away, a microchip greatly increases the chances of being reunited. Shelters, veterinary clinics, and animal control facilities have scanners that can read the microchip's information and contact you. 2. Peace of mind: Knowing that your pet has an extra layer of protection gives you peace of mind. You can rest assured that even if your pet goes missing, their microchip will help bring them back home. 3. Permanent identification: Unlike collars and ID tags that can be lost or removed, a microchip provides permanent identification for your pet. It is a reliable and secure way to ensure that your pet can be identified throughout their lifetime. 4. Quick and painless procedure: The microchipping process is quick, safe, and virtually painless for your pet. It is a simple procedure that can be done during a regular veterinary visit or at a specialized microchipping event. Don't wait until it's too late Microchipping is a small investment that can make a world of difference in ensuring your pet's safety. At Kady's Critter Care, we offer microchipping services as part of our commitment to providing comprehensive pet-related services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or visit our Nail Trim Events, where we also offer microchipping services. Remember, your pet's safety is in your hands. Take the necessary steps to protect them and give yourself peace of mind knowing that they have an extra layer of protection with a microchip.

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